Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday night dinner...Champagne Shrimp & Pasta

Sunday night at our house is a pretty social event.  We have an open invitation for our families and friends to come on over and join us around the dinner table.  Sometimes our table is set for six while other times it is all-out buffet style for sixteen or more.  Sometimes the seats are filled with only family members, other times neighbors and friends from both near and far places are added to the mix.  The one constant every Sunday is the warmth and welcome my family and I try to share with everyone around us.

Tonight we were eleven around the table, including three of our grown nephews, MDP, my mom, and a former home stay student. The boys told us this afternoon that they were coming for dinner and I know they are usually pretty hungry.  My originally planned turkey breast roast was definitely not going to fill everyone up!  Not a problem - menu changes or additions are normal fare around here on Sundays so I am quick to adapt with a recipe and ingredients from my pantry.

I chose a recipe for Champagne Shrimp and Pasta ( as I had a leftover bottle of champagne from New Year's, and a bag of wild Canadian shrimp in my freezer:

Notes:  I followed the recipe as per the original instructions except I doubled it so it would feed a crowd and substituted linguine for the angel hair pasta.  I tossed the pasta and sauce together in a big serving dish and added a few tablespoons of the parmesan cheese before mixing.

Verdict:  Everyone at the table loved it!  This is a pasta dish you could proudly serve your guests.  I read a review on the allrecipe website that said the reviewer felt it was a restaurant quality dish and I have to say that I agree.  The taste of the champagne is absorbed into the shrimp while cooking and tastes so good.  I would make this recipe again.

Here is a link to the recipe I used:


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