Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adobo Chicken - saying farewell over dinner...

Over the past decade we have been fortunate to host many students from Japan in our home.  Each one has been unique and memorable to us in their own special way.  We feel the home stay experience hasn't only enriched the lives of the students, but all of ours as well.  I love seeing how these young people grow into themselves from the day of their arrival in Canada to the day they return to Japan.  This is such a life changing opportunity: coming to a new country, studying in English, meeting new friends, tasting new foods, seeing Canada in all it's natural and multicultural beauty, learning to embrace their independence, and becoming part of our family.

The hardest part of hosting a home stay student is having to say good bye when they return to Japan.  These girls are always treated like they are a member of our family - so often it is like saying good bye to one of our own when they leave.  We have a tradition of saying farewell to our students over a family dinner.  This dinner is usually also attended by extended family members our students have gotten to know during their time with us.  It is a celebration of their time in Canada and one last gathering for all of us around the table.

Last night we said good bye to Megumi - she arrived last fall and stayed with us for three months before moving to a home closer to her job at the airport.  Today she is on an airplane back to Japan.  It made me so happy to see that she returns home with fond memories of her time in Vancouver and a stronger sense of confidence in who she is and what she wants in her life.  That is the greatest pay off of hosting a student for me...not the money we are paid, but instead seeing that I (and my family) have had a positive influence on their life.  Okay, let's be honest, the cooking compliments I am given by my students are good too!!

Megumi loves my Epicure products...so last night I made Adobo chicken, my yummy scalloped potatoes, lemon dilly green beans. and a tossed green salad. A blueberry buttermilk pie followed for dessert, but I can't take credit for that as it was not homemade.

The recipe I used was Adobo Chicken...a Latin inspired recipe...

Notes:  I used the recipe on the side of Epicure's Adobo seasoning bottle - it mixed 2 tablespoons of the seasoning with 1/2 cup vinegar.  I used cider vinegar as per someones recommendation.  I drizzled it over, and then roasted my chicken pieces in the oven.  Once they were done I sprinkled Epicure's Arriba Sansel over them and served.

Verdict:  The taste of the seasoning and vinegar together is really good and it flavored the chicken - unfortunately the meat didn't brown with it, it turned out a pale color like I cooked it without seasoning at all.  The sauce is too liquid to grab onto the chicken.  Next time I would add tomato paste to the mixture to make the Red Adobo Sauce.  I think this would stick to the chicken better and help it to brown.  I would use the sauce I made last night as is on steamed vegetables - I think that would be a nice complement of tastes.

I guess they can't all turn out well!  That is part of the adventure of recipe trying.
Happy Cooking!

P.S.  The green beans were EXCELLENT - stir fry them in a little olive oil and then toss with a spoon of Epicure's Lemon Dilly Dip Mix.

1 comment:

  1. I made Epicure's brand new WFD Buffalo Chicken Wings last night and they were really good and easy to make. A bit too spicy for my kids, but if you like this standard pub food you won't be disappointed with Epicure's version of it. So much healthier than the frozen, pre-fried variety you buy in the stores!
